RBE No. 161/2009: Recruitment – Mode – Revised Classification
No.E(NG)I-2008/PM1/15, dated 03.09.2009
Sub: Implementation of recommendation of 6th CPC – Merger of grades – Revised classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts.
1. Reference this Ministry’s letters of even number dt. 23.09.2008 (RBE No. 127/2008) and 24.04.2009 (RBE No. 70/2009) on the above subject.
2. The matter has since been considered by the Board. The views of organized labour have also been taken into account. Since the issue of laying down revised classification and mode of filling up may take further time, therefore, it has been decided that as a onetime exemption promotion to all vacancies as existed on 31.08.2009, may be made as indicated in the enclosed statement. The following methodology may be adopted for effecting the promotions in question:-
(a) Posts carrying the grade pay of Rs.4200, propose to be filled up by “seniority-cum-suitability” with or with “suitability with prescribed benchmark”, as indicated in the statement may be filled up with benchmark of 6 marks out of 15 in marks in last three years ACRs, duly considering the existing instructions for promotion based on confidential reports.
(b) Posts carrying the grade pay of Rs.4600 & above, proposed to be filled by “suitability with prescribed benchmark”, may be filled up with benchmark of 7 marks out of 15 marks in last three years ACRs, duly considering the existing instructions for promotion based on confidential reports.
(c) For (a) & (b) above, in case CRs for 2008-09 for all candidates in the zone of consideration are not available, ACRs up to year 2007-08, may be taken into account.
(d) Extent instructions necessitating DAR/ Vig. etc. clearance, shall continue to hold good.
(e) Posts earmarked against Selection/ General Selection/ LDCE quota, wherever prescribed as per enclosed statement, will be filled up as per the existing procedure.
(f) Existing eligibility conditions like passing of Trade Test, Aptitude Test, possessing of requisite foot-plate experience, passing of promotional course for being eligible for consideration for promotion as pre-condition or for being deployed in promotional post, shall continue to hold good.
(g) The Residency period for promotion to higher posts including for promotion to merged grades, will be two years, unless a longer length has been prescribed in terms of existing instructions for promotion to higher posts.
2.1 In cases, where existing classification of ‘selection’ has been dispensed with promotions may be made on the basis of ‘suitability with prescribed benchmark’. All pre-promotional training courses may continue as per existing procedure of passing pre-promotional course/ training.
2.2 Promotions to the posts carrying the Grade Pay below Rs.4200, shall continue to be made as per existing procedure, since Railways/ PUs have already been advised vide this Ministry’s letter of even number dt. 23.09.2008 and clarified vide letter dt. 24.04.2009 that, only the promotions within and to merged grades, were not to be effected, while all other promotions were to be continued to be made as per existing classification.
2.3 For the purpose of filling up of direct recruitment and promotion quota vacancies in the grade pay of Rs 4200 to 4600 the following shall be followed:-
(i) The posts in grade pay Rs.4200 in cadre of Technical Supervisors, shall be divided in the existing percentage of 26% (recruitment grade of Rs.5000-8000) and 24% (promotee grade Rs.5500-9000). The senior most 24% staff and posts in grade pay Rs.4200, shall be kept in a separate block and the remaining bottom most 26% posts of the total cadre of supervisors shall be filled up as per the existing practice of filling of through Promotee, LDCE and DR quota.
(ii) Similarly, to fill up the posts of Section Engineers in grade pay Rs.4600, the posts shall be divided into in the ratio of 21:29. The senior most 21% staff and post will be placed in a separate block and remaining 29% posts of the total cadre of supervisors shall be filled up by promotees and direct recruits as per the existing practice.
(iii) Same principle will be followed to fill up all vacancies of grade pay RS.4200 and 4600.
3. The scheme for filling up vacancies, arising on or after 01.09.2009, will be issued in due course in consultation with the federations.
3.1 The vacancies existing should be filled up expeditiously.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 161/2009
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.08/2010, RBE No.81/2010, RBE No.103/2010, RBE No.160/2010, RBE No.158/2011, RBE No.15/2016, RBE No. 166/2018, RBE No.52/2022, RBE No.93/2022,