Merger of Grades: RBE No.08/2010 – Promotion within Same Grade Pay
No.E(NG)I-2008/PM1/15, dated 11.01.2010
Sub: Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC – Merger of grades – Promotion within the same grade pay – Classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts – Status of panels finalized/ selections initiated earlier etc.
Reference this Ministry’s letter of even number dt. 03.09.2009 (RBE No.161/2009) on the above subject wherein revised mode for filling up of vacancies as existed on 31.08.2009, in merged grades, have been issued. In the above connection a number of references are being received from the Railways for clarification regarding status of panels/ suitability lists etc. in cases where promotion procedure had been initiated/ completed and panels/ suitability lists were prepared/ partly operated, for promotion to the posts which have been merged into one grade pay as a result of implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC. It was also indicated in the instructions contained in this Ministry’s letter of even number dt. 23.09.2008 (RBE No.127/2008) that merger of grades has affected the existing AVCs, therefore, no promotion shall be made in case of merged grades, except the categories of Loco Pilots and Guards. The matter has been considered by the Board and it has been decided that:-
(i) in cases where even after merger, mode of filling up in merged grades, as indicated in the statement enclosed with letter dt. 03.09.2009 (RBE No.161/2009), has not been changed, all such panels, suitability lists (if any) as finalized/ partly operated before restriction was imposed on making promotion to such merged grades, which was effective from 04.09.2008, may be further operated. All other panels/ suitability lists cease to exist i.e. the cases where a ‘Non-Selection’ post has been changed to ‘Selection’ or ‘Suitability with Prescribed Benchmark’ AND where a ‘Selection’ post has been changed to ‘Non-Selection’ or ‘Suitability with Prescribed Benchmark’. In the above cases of change of classification/ mode of filling up in merged grades, any promotion/ filling up of vacancies on or after 04.09.2008, made through a mode other than prescribed in letter dated 03.09.2009 (RBE No.161/2009) will be treated as ad-hoc and will not confer any right on the incumbents promoted/ posted as such to hold or continue to hold the said post. In such cases of posts where mode of filling up has been changed vide letter dt. 03.09.2009 (RBE No.161/2009), w.e.f. 04.09.2008 all posts should be filled up as per revised procedure.
In case of Running Staff, where existing AVCs were continued any panel/ suitability list finalized before 03.09.2009 may first be operated, to fill up the vacancies as existed on 31.08.2009 and then further action for making promotions, as indicated in letter dt. 03.09.2009 (RBE No.161/2009), should be taken; in case panels/ suitability lists finalized earlier have fallen short, in fulfilling the requirements upto 31.08.2009. All vacancies as have arisen on or after 01.09.2009 will be filled up after laying down regular scheme for the same, as indicated in this Ministry’s letter of even number dt. 03.09.2009 (RBE No.161/2009).
(ii) Similarly, selections/ suitability tests etc. in above cases of merged grades, where mode of filling up has not changed, same may now be finalized. All other selections/ suitability tests shall cease to exist.
(iii) It has also been decided that in case as a result of dispensation given at (ii) above, if a panel/ suitability list is finalized by the Railways say on 31.12.2009, in such a case, as a onetime measure, mandatory time gap between two selections etc., is not required to be observed and next selection etc, for filling up of vacancies as existed on 31.08.2009, may be conducted before such mandatory time gap. However, for further selection normal provision in this regard will apply.
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Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.08/2010
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.158/2011,