RBE No. 83/2006: Surplus Staff – Redeployment
No.E(MPP)2004/1/88/Vol.II, dated 19.06.2006
Sub: Redeployment of surplus staff.
1. During the DC/JCM meeting held on 3rd & 4th April, 2006, the Federation expressed concern on the methodology being adopted by the Railways while re-deploying the staff declared surplus. It has been pointed out that due to lack of advance planning a situation could arise where in Unit ‘A’ a small number of employees are declared surplus and redeployed to unit ‘X’ at bottom seniority. However, after a period of time further surpluses are generated in the former unit and the staff is again re-deployed to the latter unit, leading to a situation where a junior being re-deployed earlier and hence becoming senior to erstwhile senior because of senior being re-deployed later in the same unit.
2. This sort of situation can be avoided by assessing the situation well in advance, identifying the possible pocket where surpluses are expected to occur and taking advance action regarding giving an opportunity to staff in general in such units to opt for appropriate alternative categories as has been laid down in Board’s letter No.E(MPP) 98/1/75, dated 28.11.2000 (RBE No. 206/2000) and letter No.E(MPP) 2003/1/6, dated 13.01.2004 (RBE No. 15/2004).
3. Railway Administration should ensure advance planning and as far as possible seek options for the surplus staff and suitable transfer orders be issued avoiding a situation like the one pointed out in para 1 above.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 83/2006
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No. 182/2006