RBE No. 58/1991: Passes – Inclusion of Escort
No.E(W)90 PS5-1/20, dated 20.03.1991
Sub: Higher Class passes/ inclusion of escort in the passes issued to physically handicapped employees.
1. In terms of Ministry of Railways’ letter No.E(W)82 PS5-1, dated 05.09.1983, Railway employees who are physically handicapped may be granted higher class of privilege passes, but not higher than 1st Class Pass, with an escort in the same class, in lieu of their total entitlement of privilege passes, provided it is recommended by DMO. These instructions cover only those physically handicapped Railway employees, who are not eligible for First Class Pass under pay limit or due to status, as the case may be.
2. The question as to how to regulate the grant of Privilege Passes to those physically handicapped Railway employees who become entitled for First Class Pass under pay limit or due to status, has been considered by the Ministry of Railways and it has been decided as under:
(i) In respect of non-gazetted physically handicapped Railway employees who become entitled for First Class Pass under pay limit may be allowed an option either to avail of the privilege passes as per their entitlement or avail two sets of privilege passes with an escort in the same class, in each of the two sets of passes, by surrendering the remaining one set. Where the entitlement of the employee is less than three sets of privilege passes, the facility of escort may be allowed in one set of pass; and
(ii) In the case of Gazetted physically handicapped Railway employee an option may be given either to avail of the privilege passes as per their entitlement or avail three sets, with an escort in the same class in each of the three sets of privilege passes by surrendering the remaining three sets of passes;
Provided that the facility of an escort in the same class will be allowed only on the recommendation of the DMO and where the employee has no family member as laid down in Ministry of Railways letter No.E(W)82 PS5-1, dated 05.09.1983 and 25.08.1984. In cases where the employee gives an option for availing the facility of an escort in the same class, the facility of ‘Attendant’ in Second Class which is permissible on First Class Pass will not be allowed.
3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
4. This also disposes of Eastern Railway’s letter No.G 470/0/1/X/P, dated 11.05.1990.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.58/199
1Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.