IREM Rule No.115: IREM Vol-I, Chapter-I, Section-B, Sub-section-II: Procedure
115. Relaxation of the age limit:-
The following relaxations of age limit are permissible:-
(i) By five years in the case of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
(ii) Upto three years (including apprentice categories) in respect of serving Railway employees applying for direct recruitment to initial categories and upto five years for posts in the intermediate categories.
(iii) Group ‘D’ employees applying for recruitment to Group ‘C posts or as apprentices being allowed relaxation to the extent of service in Group ‘D’ but in any case not exceeding 10 years and also subject to a ceiling limit of 30 years for apprentice categories.
(iv) For direct recruitment to all Group ‘C’ & vacancies, serving employees who have put in three years continuous service on the Railways will be given age relaxation upto the upper age limit of 40 years, in the case of general category candidates, 43 years in the case of OBC candidates and 45 years in the case of ST/SC candidates. Same age concession will be applicable to such of the substitutes as have put in three years service continuous or in broken spells.
[Authority: Board’s letter No.E(NG)I/95/PM1/1, dated 11.01.1999 (RBE No. 05/1999) (SC No.11 to MC No.31) (ACS No.69), and
01.06.1999 (RBE No. 126/1999) (ACS No.78)]
(v) For direct recruitment to all Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts, the upper age limit in the case of widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands, who are not remarried, shall be relaxed Upto the age 35 years. In such cases, there will be further relaxation upto the age of 38 years for ‘other Backward Community (OBC)’ candidates, and upto 40 years for Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribes (SC/ST) candidates.
[Authority: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II80/RR-1/42, dated 07.08.1981,
No.E(NG)II/2000/RR-1/37, dated 10.08.2001 (RBE No. 154/2001) ACS No. 125]
(vi) Existing age concessions allowed by specific instructions of the Railway Board for specified category/ categories of posts will continue to apply.
(vii) A candidate who is within the minimum and maximum age limits on a particular date mentioned in the employment notice issued by a Railway Recruitment Board may be treated as eligible for appointment against a post on the Railway concerned even though the person concerned may have exceeded the maximum age limit on the date of actually joining an appointment.
(viii) The upper age limit may be relaxed to the extent warranted and justified while making appointment on compassionate grounds of sons, daughters, wives, wards etc. of Railway servants who die while in service or are medically incapacitated. The General Managers may also relax the age limit while making recruitment of outstanding sportsmen against the sports quota and against cultural/ scouts/ guides quota.
[Authority: Railway Board’s letters No.E(NG)II/82/RR/1/32, dated 24.02.1983 and 13.03.1984]