Selection: Promotion to APO Group ‘B’
No.E(GP)2006/2/47, dated 19.03.2010
Sub: Selection (70%) quota for promotion from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ post of APO.
1. In terms of Board’s letter No.E(GP)81/1/18, dt. 29.09.1981, it has been laid down that for the viva voce test held for promotion to Group ‘B’ post of APO through 70% Selection, candidates successful in the written examination should be called to the extent of six times the number of vacancies, in the order of marks obtained in the written examination. Here, it is clarified that for viva-voce, successful candidates may be called to the extent of 6 times the number of vacancies separately earmarked for each category i.e. UR, SC & ST. Further, the candidates in respective categories may be called in the order of merit. The candidates (from amongst the candidates who have secured equal marks), may be called on the basis of/ their relative seniority in the feeder grade.
This disposes of S.C.Rly.’s letter No.P/Gaz/607/Con/Pers/Reg/2009, dated 22/23.02.2010.
Download Railway Board Circular Dated 19.03.2010
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.