RBE No. 64/2016: Qualification Pay – To Appendix III Qualified Staff
No.E(P&A)I-2012/SP-1/Genl-1 dated 15.06.2016
Sub: Admissibility of Qualification Pay to Appendix III qualified staff in the V and VI CPC from 01.01.1996 and 01.01.2006 or the date from which an individual elects to draw pay in the revised scale of pay under Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1997 and 2008.
1. The rates of Qualification Pay in respect of Appendix III qualified staff was revised in the V CPC period in terms of the instructions contained in Board’s letter No.E(P&A)I-98/SP-1/Genl/1, dated 09.10.1998 (RBE No. 233/1998) and were admissible from 01.08.1997. In the VI CPC the rates were revised vide Board’s letter No.E(P&A)I-2009/SP-1/Genl.1, dated 30.04.2010 (RBE No. 65/2010) and were admissible from 01.09.2008.
2. The NFIR (Item No. 9/2012) and AIRF (Item No. 8/2016) had raised a demand in the PNM Forum for antedating the date of effect for grant of Qualification Pay to Appendix III qualified staff in the V and VI CPC period.
3. The issue has been examined in Board’s Office and it has been decided that Qualification Pay to Appendix III qualified staff in V and VI CPC period may be made admissible as it was done in the case of Appendix II qualified staff vide Board’s letter No.E(P&A)I-2012/SP-1/Genl-1, dated 19.06.2012 and E(P&A)I-2012/SP-1/Genl-1, dated 12.09.2012. Accordingly, the revised Qualification Pay as indicated in para 1 above would be admissible in the following manner:-
(a) In the V CPC pay structure, the revised rate of Qualification Pay to Appendix III qualified staff would be admissible from the date an individual elects to draw pay in the revised scale of pay under Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1997, instead of 01.08.1997.
(b) In the VI CPC pay structure, the revised rate of Qualification Pay to Appendix III qualified staff would be admissible from the date an individual elects to draw pay in the revised scale of pay under Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, instead of 01.09.2008. It is also clarified that the rate of Qualification Pay in respect of Appendix III qualified staff would not increase by 25% every time the DA payable on revised pay scale goes up by 50% as it is being treated as part of pay and is being taken into account for the purpose of pay fixation on promotion to the next higher post.
4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 64/2016
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