RBE No. 52/2007: Promotion – Group ‘B’ Posts – Physiotherapist
No.E(NG)I-2006/PM10/5, dated 02.04.2007
Sub: Promotion to the posts of Physiotherapist Gr-I Rs.6500-10500 – Clarification of.
1. In terms of Para 4 of this Ministry’s letter No.E(GP)-2004/2/73, dated 02.02.2005 (RBE No. 02/2005) the selection for promotion to the Group ‘B’ post of Assistant Physiotherapy Officer, operated on floating basis, is required to be conducted by Northern Railway for which purpose the seniority of Physiotherapists in Group ‘C’ is also required to be maintained by that Railway.
2. On the analogy of the above procedure, a demand has been made by NFIR that since there is disparity in the number of posts of Physiotherapist in different Zonal Railways, etc., and in some cases, the posts in the higher grade are extremely limited, promotion to the posts of Physiotherapists Grade-I Rs.6500-10500 may also be centralized. The Ministry of Railways have considered the matter and decided that since Northern Railways are already maintaining seniority of Physiotherapists for the purpose of promotion to Group ‘B’ posts, that Railway may also effected promotion to the post of Physiotherapist Grade-I in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 as per extant procedure on centralized basis. However, orders for promotion to the post of Physiotherapist Grade-I should be issued by the General Managers of the respective Railway(s) where the employee(s) found suitable for promotion may be working.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.52/2007
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