RBE No.329/1985: Railway Accidents Enquiry Committee, 1978
RBE No.329/1985: Railway Accidents Enquiry Committee, 1978
No.E(G)83 FE1-4, dated 09.12.1985
Sub: Recommendation No.67 of the Railway Accidents Enquiry Committee, 1978 (Sikri Committee) – implementation of.
1. The Railway Accidents Enquiry Committee, 1978 vide their recommendation No.67 contained in Part-II of the report, had observed that:
“67. Encouragement should be given to all Offices and Supervisors to take up membership of Technical and Professional Institutes and Societies in this country as well as abroad. Membership fee and subscription paid by all Officers to one National and one International Institute/Society and that paid by Senior Supervisor to one National Institute/Society, should be reimbursed.”
2. The Board have considered and accepted principle recommendation No.67 contained in Part-II of Railway Accidents Enquiry Committee, 1978 report. To make a start, the Board have decided that Principal HODs (Zonal Railways and Production Units), Directors of Railway Board/RDSO and Principals of Technical Institutions may be permitted to become Members of one National and one International Institute/Society with reimbursement of membership subscription. It would then be their responsibility to disseminate the technical knowledge acquired by them through the membership to their subordinates. Membership fee of only those International Associations/Institutions, would be reimbursed who admit members by holding qualifying examinations.
3. The Board desire that further necessary action in the matter may be taken accordingly.
4. The orders will take effect from the date of issue.
5. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Department of Railways, Ministry of Transport.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.329/1985
Forward reference⇒ RBE No.15/1986
I want RB Executive director mechanical engineering (TR) letter no 82/mm/467/2 dated 26.9.91.