RBE No.15/1986: Railway Accidents Enquiry Committee, 1978
RBE No.15/1986: Railway Accidents Enquiry Committee, 1978
No.E(G)83 FE1-4, dated 20.01.1986
Sub: Recommendation No.67 of the Railway Accidents Enquiry Committee, 1978 (Sikri Committee) – implementation of.
1. Reference Board’s letter of even number dated 09.12.1985 (RBE No.329/1985) on the above subject.
2. In para 2 of Board’s letter referred to above, it has been indicated that membership fee of those International Associations/Institutions would be reimbursed who admit members by holding qualifying examinations. In this connection, it may be further clarified that the intention underlying this is that reimbursement of fees would be allowed only for membership of the Associations/Institutions where primarily the membership is by passing a qualifying examination. It is possible that sometimes Senior Officers may be admitted by such Institutions/Associations, as members (Corporate, fellow etc) even without any examination by virtue of their professional experience. Such officers would be eligible to claim, reimbursement of the fee paid, in terms of Board’s instructions referred to above. The only condition is that they should become members of such Institutions/Associations who admit members primarily by holding qualifying examinations even though they themselves might not be subjected to such examinations.
3. This issue with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Department of Railways, Ministry of Transport.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.15/1986
Forward reference⇒ RBE No.82/1988