RBE No. 307/1987: Promotion – Inclusion of subject of ‘Passenger Amenities’
No.E(NG)I-87-PM1-21, dated 14.12.1987
Sub: Inclusion of the subject ‘Passenger Amenities’ in the departmental test for promotion to the grades of Inspectors etc.
1. Passenger Amenities Committee have recommended that the subject ‘Passenger Amenities’ should figure in the question paper for written examinations in the departmental tests for promotion to the grade of Inspectors etc.
2. The above recommendation has been accepted by the Board in principle.
3. According, Board desire that wherever written test is held as part of selection or for adjudging suitability for promotion to non-selection posts, the subject of ‘Passenger Amenities’ should also, as far as possible, figure in the questions for written examination for promotion to the post of Inspectors, etc. in categories of staff concerned with provision and maintenance of ‘Passenger Amenities’ Categories like IOW, Electrical Chargeman/ Foreman, C&W Inspectors, Telecom Inspectors, Health Inspectors, Commercial Inspectors and Station Masters/ Station Superintendents are expected to be included for this purpose. The specific categories to be brought under the purview of these instructions may, however, be laid down by the respective Zonal Railways.
4. The question(s) on ‘Passenger Amenities’ and answer(s) thereto may be obtained from an officer of the Commercial Department of appropriate rank but not below the Senior Scale. Suitable instructions in this regard to the Members of the Selection Board etc. may be issued in advance.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.307/1987
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