RBE No. 217/1987: Promotion – Ad-hoc Basis
No.E(NG)I-87-PM5/2, dated 21.08.1987
Sub: Promotion on ad-hoc basis instructions regarding.
1. As the Railway Administration etc. are aware, the instructions issued by the Board from time to time and reiterated in their letter No.E(NG)I-85-PM5/3, dated 28.08.1985 (RBE No.231/1985), inter-alia require that ad-hoc promotion should be discouraged and if ordering ad-hoc promotions becomes inescapable they should be resorted to only sparingly and only for a short duration of three to four months. Instructions also require that ad-hoc promotions should be ordered only from amongst the senior most suitable is staff.
2. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India in his Report for the year 1985-86 (para 43 of the Report) had highlighted that on one of the Zonal Railways the extant instructions regarding ad-hoc promotion were not followed which resulted in avoidable expenditure. The matter has been considered by the Board. It has been decided that every possible efforts should be made to avoid ad-hoc promotions. If they become inescapable in the exigencies of work the same should be ordered only for a short duration of three to four months and further such promotions should be only from amongst senior most suitable staff. As a rule, a junior should not be promoted on ad-hoc basis ignoring his seniors. The Board desire that Railway Administration should issue necessary directives to all concerned under their control with a view to ensuring that the extant instructions regarding ad-hoc promotions are scrupulously followed and no deviation there from takes place.
3. Please acknowledge receipt.
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