RBE No. 27/1993: Promotion – Effect of Penalty of Withholding of Increments
No.E(D&A)92 RG6-185, dated 12.02.1993
Sub: Promotion of officers who have been imposed penalty of withholding of increments.
Attention is invited to Board’s letter No.E(D&A)92 RG6-149(B), dated 21.01.1993 (RBE No. 14/1993) with respect to the procedure and guidelines to be followed in the matter of promotion from Group ‘B’ to Group ‘A’ and within Group ‘A’ of Railway Officers against whom disciplinary/ Court proceedings are pending. It has been laid down, inter alia, vide para 3.2 thereof, that officers imposed with the minor penalties of censure, stoppage of passes/PTOs, recovery from pay and withholding of increment may be promoted prospectively in their turn with reference to their position in the earlier panel(s) of the DPC, but where the penalty of withholding of increment is imposed they cannot be promoted before expiry of the penalty.
On reconsideration, the Railway Board have decided that where the penalty of withholding of increment imposed on a Railway Officer is to be become operative from a future date, the person concerned should be promoted in his turn prospectively with reference to his position in the earlier panel of the DPC and the penalty imposed in the promotion grade for a period which would not result in greater monetary loss.
[This disposes of C Railway’s confidential letter No.CON/362:A, dated 27.11.1992]
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 27/1993
Forward reference⇒RBE No. 07/1996