RBE No. 144/2008: Out-of-turn Promotion
No.E(Sports)2007/Policy/4 (Clarification), dated 07.10.2008
Sub: Out-of-turn Promotion to sportspersons from Group-D to Group-C on sports account – clarification regarding.
Ref: Board’s letter No.E(Sports)2007/Policy/3, dated 30.07.2007 (RBE No. 48/2007) and E(Sports)2007/Policy/4 (Clarification), dated 25.03.2008 (RBE No. 44/2008).
Please refer to Board’s letter mentioned above, vide Board’s letter dated 25.03.2008 (RBE No. 44/2008), it was decided to delete Para 9.5.1(ii) of the Board’s policy letter dated 30.03.2007 (RBE No. 48/2007).
In this connection it is clarified that as the instructions for deletion of Para 9.5.1(ii) of Board’s letter dated 30.03.2007 (RBE No. 48/2007) were issued on 25.03.2008 (RBE No. 44/2008); therefore a sportsperson represented Indian Railways team on two occasions, in National Championships completed before 25.03.2008, may be considered for granting out-of-turn promotion from Group-D to Group-C, according to Para 9.5.1(ii). However, representation of Indian Railways team in National Championships on two occasions should be in the sports discipline against which a sportsperson is recruited.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 144/2008
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