RBE No. 142/2007: Secret Ballot – Honorarium for Polling Duty
No.E(G)2007 HO1/25, dated 31.10.2007
Sub: Honorarium to personnel deployed on polling duty.
As the Railway administration are aware, Secret Ballot to grant recognition to Railway Trade Unions on the Zonal Railways will be held for three days on the 26th, 27th and 28th November, 2007 from 8:00 hurs to 18:00 hours.
Conducting of Secret Ballot is a mammoth and time bound project to be completed within the time limit given by the Hon’ble Delhi High Court and a number of officials are required to be deployed, sometime extending even beyond duty hours, for the smooth conduct of the elections.
In view of the stupendous nature of task involved in the Secret Ballot, it has been decided to grant honorarium to the officials deployed for the purpose as detailed below:-
Returning Officer (CPOs): A lump sum amount of Rs.5000
Presiding Officer (SAG) Officer: A lump sum amount of Rs.4000
Polling Officer (Asstt./ Sr. Scale Officers): Rs.1000 per day (on the day of polling)
Polling Assistant (Supervisor/ Inspector Grade ‘C’ staff): Rs.800 per day (on the day of polling)
Grade ‘D’ staff: Rs.500 per day (on the day of polling)
This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board).
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 142/2007
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No. 72/2008