RBE No. 04/2005: Passes – Blood Donation & Eye Testing Camps
No.E(W)2004/PS 5-1/21, dated 10.01.2005
Sub: Issue of special complimentary cheque passes to non-Railway Doctors and para medical staff for conducting blood donation & eye testing Camps.
1. Blood donation and eye testing camps were being organized on the Railways by the Federations for which complimentary cheque passes used to be issued by Zonal Railways without obtaining Board’s approval. Zonal Railways were, therefore, advised vide Board’s letter No.E(W)2001PS5-6/97, dated 25.02.2002 that proposal for issue of special complimentary cheque passes for purposes not covered under Schedule VII of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (Second Edition, 1993) should be referred to Board’s Office for obtaining approval of the competent authority. This has caused delay in issuing complimentary cheque passes at short notice to the doctors and para medical staff in connection with blood donation and eye testing camps being organized on the Railways.
2. On a specific request from AIRF the matter has been considered by Railway Board and it has been decided that the General Managers may be delegated powers to issue complimentary cheque passes to Non-Railway doctors and para medical staff in connection with blood donation and eye testing camps being organized on the Railways. Delegation of this power may be exercised by the General Managers at their personal level in optimum need based situation so that indiscriminate proliferation of issue of such passes can be avoided.
3. In view of the above decision Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (Second Edition, 1993) may be amended as per Advance Correction Slip No.46 (copy enclosed).
This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Railway Board.
Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986
(Second Edition, 1993)
Advance Correction Slip No.46
In schedule VII (Special Passes), below item No.40 add the following as item No.41.
41 |
Doctors/ para medical staff invited in connection with blood donation/ eye testing camps being organized on Railways. |
General Managers may, at their personal level, authorize issue of special complimentary cheque passes commensurate with the status of invitees in optimum need based situations, from residence/ place of working to the place where the camps are being held, and back. |
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 04/2005
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