Railway Accidents Enquiry Committee: RBE No.14/1986 – Recommendation No.38
No.E(MPP)/85/9/6, dated 03.02.1986
Sub: R.A.E.C. 1978 recommendation No.38 – Training of Loco Maintenance staff – holding of regular courses.
1. The Railway Accidents Enquiry Committee 1978 in para 168 of their report (Part II) have observed that during discussions with the officers of the Mechanical Department, it was brought to the notice of the Committee that due attention had not been paid to the training of staff connected with maintenance of locomotives. The Committee felt that staff employed on repairs and maintenance of locomotives should periodically be imparted refresher training with equal importance so that the staff are made aware of the functions and importance of various components and materials for ensuring safety in train operation. The Committee in their recommendation No.38 have observed that regular training courses should be conducted for loco maintenance staff.
2.1 This recommendation of the Committee has been examined in the Department of Railways and it has been accepted. Accordingly, the Deptt. of Railways desire that the following training for loco maintenance staff should be made uniformly applicable over all the Railways:-
(a) Initial training for directly recruited artisans and supervisory staff as per extant order;
(b) Regular refresher course for all artisans and supervisory staff once at least in three years; and
(c) Training for promotion of unskilled staff to the skilled grade within their existing resources.
2.2 Regarding (c) above, to start with, before unskilled staff are promoted to the skilled category of artisans, they should be put through a short promotion course within your existing resources.
3. It is clarified that the requirement of training before promotion to skilled grade is apart from the requirement, as per extant orders, to pass the prescribed trade test.
4. Action taken on the implementation of the above recommendation may be reported to the Department of Railways in due course.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.14/1986
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