Promotion: RBE No.159/2016 – Amendment to IREM (ACS No.235)
No.E(GP)2005/2/69, dated 27.12.2016
Sub: Amendment to IREM Volume-I.
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution, the President is pleased to direct that the Indian Railway Establishment Manual Vol-I, Revised Edition-1989 (First Re-print Edition-2009), may be amended as in the Advance Correction Slip No.235 enclosed.
Vol-I (Revised Edition-1989, First Re-print Edition-2009)
Advance Correction Slip No.235
Chapter II, Section ‘A’ – Rules governing promotion of Group ‘C’ staff to Group ‘B’ posts.
1. Para 204.3:
For the existing para 204.3, substitute the following:-
15 marks out of total of 150 marks for testing the professional ability should be set apart for questions on official language policy and official language rules. While the employees should be encouraged to attempt questions on official language policy and official language rules, the questions on official language should not be compulsory.
[Authority: Ministry of Railway & letter No.Hindi-2010/OL-1/10/4, dated 14.12.2016]
2. Para 204.5:
For the existing para 204.5, substitute the following:-
No moderation of the marks is permissible. No rounding off is permissible in marks for individual Answers for the questions. However, total marks in decimal of 0.5 and more should be rounded off to next higher integer figure. Similarly, total marks in decimal of less than 0.5, should be rounded off to lower integer figure.
[Authority: Ministry of Railways’ letter No.E(GP)2015/2/8, dated 28.11.2016 (RBE No.142/2016)]
3. Para 208.1:
For the existing para 208.1, substitute the following:-
The answer papers of the written examination as well as the mark sheets of viva-voce should be marked with indelible ink. Each answer book should carry a fly leaf, Tabulation Sheet for the Evaluator and Guidelines for the Candidates. Both fly leaf as well as the answer book should be stamped and signed by the Gazetted Officer in charge of conduct of the examination. The employees should write their names and designations on the fly leaf only. After the answer books are received from the employees, the fly leaf should be removed and allotted a secret number which should also be simultaneously recorded on the corresponding answer book by Dy. CPO/G or Dy. CAO/G. The answer books should be sent to the examiner with secret numbers alone indicated on the answer books. The fly leaves removed from the answer books should be carefully preserved in a sealed cover, it being sealed by Dy.CPO(G)/ Dy.CAO(G). This sealed envelope should be kept in the personal custody of the Dy.CPO(G)/ Dy.CAO(G). In case of their non-availability, any other JAG/ SG officer may be nominated by the General Manager.
[Authority: Ministry of Railways’ letter No.E(GP)2015/2/8, dated 28.11.2016 (RBE No.142/2016)]
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