IREC Rule No.1310: [FR-9(31)(a)] Time-scale Pay
- [FR-9(31)(a)] Time-scale Pay:-
(a) Time-scale Pay means pay which, subject to any conditions prescribed in these rules, rises by periodical increments from a minimum to a maximum. It includes the class of pay formerly known as progressive.
(b) Time-scales are said to be identical if the minimum, the maximum, the period of increments and the rate of increment of the time-scales are identical.
(c) A post is said to be on the same time-scale as another post on a time-scale, if the two time-scales are identical and the posts fall within a cadre, or a class in a cadre, such cadre or class having been created in order to fill all posts involving duties of approximately the same character or degree of responsibility, in a service or establishment or group of establishments; so that the pay of the holder of any particular post is determined by his position in the cadre or class, and not by the fact that he holds that post.
Railway Board’s Orders:
Method Of Calculation Of Average Cost Of A Post On A Time-Scale Of Pay:
(a) The President has decided that in the case of Groups ‘C’ and ‘D’ establishment on a time-scale of pay, the mean cost of the scale of pay applicable to such establishment should be taken to be the ‘Average Cost’ of that time-scale.
(b) The ‘Average Cost’ of a Group ‘A’ or ‘B’ post should be worked out in accordance with the following formula;