Creation of Posts: RBE No.343/1985 – Account Department
No.PCIII-85-CAiii-44, dated 26.12.1985
Sub: Creation of posts of Selection Grade Sub-Heads – Account Department.
1. In terms of this Ministry’s letter No.PCIII/78/CAiii/212, dated 26.02.1981, post in non-functional selection grade for the category of Sub-Heads in the Accounts Deptt. in scale Rs.550-750 were created by converting equal number of posts of Sub-Heads Rs.425-700. It was further directed in that letter that after completion of three years, the position should be reviewed to determine the number of selection grade Sub-Heads to be continued.
2. There was a further direction under para 2(i) of this Ministry’s letter No.PCIII/78/UPG/8, dated 16.05.1980 to convert posts of Sub-Heads progressively into Selection Grade Clerks Grade-I Rs.425-700 whereby, the number of posts of Sub-Heads declined on all the Railways between 1581 and 1984. As a result of the review conducted in 1984, the number of Selection Grade Sub-Heads diminished due to contraction in the cadre of Sub-Heads. This was visualised in para 2 of Board’s letter No.PCIII/78/CAiii/212, dated 26.02.1981.
3. It has come to the notice of the Board that on some Railways e.g. Central and Western, the posts of Selection Grade Sub-Heads were down-graded retrospecively and even payment made to the incumbents, recovered after the review was completed in Feb, 84. Board desire that, in such cases, the normal practice of working off the posts in excess of the prescribed percentage by natural wastage should be followed and there should not be any occasion for reverting an employee who is already working in the post of Selection Grade Sub-Head on the date the review was completed and approved by the competent authority. Board further desire that in such cases, employees, who have been reverted, should be re-appointed retrospectively to the post of Selection Grade Sub-Heads and allowed to continue in that grade till they get promotion or quit service. Any recoveries made due to reversions may also be refunded.
4. It is to be, however, noted that the additional posts of Sub-Heads scale Rs.425-700 which have arisen due to restructuring of the cadre on 01.01.1984 in terms of item III of the Annexure to Board’s letter No.PCIII/84/ UPG/19, dated 25.06.1985, should not be taken into account for determining the number of Selection Grade Sub-Heads. These posts can be counted only after Feb, 87 when the next review becomes due.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.343/1985
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.117/1986.