Re-engagement: RBE No.207/2019 – Retired Employees – Scheme Extended upto 01.12.2020
No.E(NG)II/2007/RC-4/CORE/1, dated 28.11.2019
Sub: Re-engagement of retired employees in exigencies of services.
Ref: No.E(NG)II/2007/RC-4/CORE/1, dated 12.12.2017 (RBE No. 193/2017).
1. Attention is invited to Railway Board’s letter referred on the above subject extending the validity of the scheme to re-engage retired employees up 01.12.2019. As requested by different Railways, the issue of further extension of this scheme has since been considered by the Board. It has been decided that this scheme whose present validity expires on 01.12.2019 be considered for extension up to 01.12.2020 with the following conditions:-
(i) Powers to re-engage retired employees will be with the General Managers only.
(ii) Railway should give adequate publicity to such re-engagement, including by putting it on Railway websites.
(iii) Retired employees being re-engaged, should not have been covered under the Safety Related Retirement Scheme/ Liberalized Active Retirement Scheme for Guaranteed Employment for Safety Staff (LARSGESS).
(iv) While re-engaging such staff, medical fitness of the appropriate category should be obtained from the designated authority as per existing practices.
(v) Suitability/ competency of the staff should be adjudged before such re-engagement and the issue of their safety record as well as the safety and other operational requirements as needed are adequately addressed.
(vi) Maximum age limit for which re-engagement shall continue will be 65.
(vii) Monthly remuneration of a retired employee being re-engage is to be governed in terms of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2007/RC-4/CORE/1, dated 24.10.2019.
(viii) This is scheme is valid upto 01.12.2020.
(ix) Each case should be seen on case to case basis as regards need and merits.
(x) The integrity aspect should also be checked while formatting such re-engagement.
2. Since substantial recruitments have taken place in the category of ALPs, Level-1, Technician and panels for JE are also expected shortly, this aspect should also be clearly considered while deciding re-engagement.
3. It may also be ensured that no re-engaged retired staff is to be continued beyond 01.12.2020. Railways may make alternative arrangements well in time keeping this in view.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 207/2019
Forward reference ⇒ 01.07.2020, RBE No. 52/2020, RBE No. 113/2020, RBE No.23/2022, RBE No.39/2023, RBE No.12/2024,