Re-engagement: RBE No.39/2023 – Retired State Government Officials
No.E(NG)II/2020/RC-4/2 (Pt.2), dated 03.03.2023
Sub: Re-engagement of retired State Government officials in exigencies of services in projects where land acquisition is involved.
Ref: (i) Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/2007/RC-4/CORE/1, dated 28.11.2019 (RBE No.207/2019),
(ii) Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/2020/RC-4/2(Pt.2), dated 22.12.2020 (RBE No.113/2020).
1. It had been decided vide Board’s letter dated 22.12.2020 (RBE No.113/2020) that no retired employees should be re-engaged after 02.12.2020 except in para medical category.
2. It has now been decided to permit Railways to engage retired State Government officials from forest/ revenue departments on contract basis for work related to Survey, updation of land records, coordination with State Government agencies for forest/ wild life clearances in projects where land acquisition is involved.
3. The total number of such engagements may be restricted to 10 in each Zonal Railway. The scheme has been extended for a period of one year beyond 21.02.2023 i.e. upto 21.02.2024. Powers for such engagement shall be exercised by the General Managers only with Finance concurrence.
4. As regards remuneration, allowances and leave, these will be as per OM No. F.No.25/2020-E.IIIA, dated 09.12.2020 of Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Government of India which are as under:-
(i) A fixed monthly amount shall be admissible as remuneration during the contract period, arrived at by deducting the basic pension from the pay drawn at the time of retirement. The amount of remuneration so fixed shall remain unchanged for the term of the contract.
(ii) No increment, Dearness Allowance and HRA shall be allowed during the term of the contract.
(iii) An appropriate and fixed amount as Transport Allowance for the purpose of commuting between the residence and the place of work shall be allowed not exceeding the rate applicable to the appointee at the time of retirement. The amount so fixed shall remain unchanged during the term of appointment. However, they may be allowed TA/DA on official tour, if any, as per their entitlement at the time of retirement.
(iv) Paid leave of absence may be allowed at the rate of 1.5 days for each completed month of service.
5. The re-engaged retired employees shall sign an agreement of confidentiality with the Railway containing a clause on Ethics and Integrity.
6. The following conditions stated in Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/2007/RC-4/CORE/1, dated 28.11.2019 (RBE No.207/2019) shall also be observed while re-engaging these retired employees:-
(i) Railway should give adequate publicity to such re-engagement, including by putting it on Railway websites.
(ii) While re-engaging such staff, medical fitness of the appropriate category should be obtained from the designated authorities as per existing practices.
(iii) Suitability/ competency of the staff should be adjudged before such re-engagement.
(iv) Maximum age limit for such re-engagement shall be 65 years.
(v) The integrity aspect should also be checked while permitting such re-engagement.
7. Clear fund availability should also be ensured for re-engaging these retired employees and the expenditure towards this arrangement may be charged to the same head against which the expenditure was charged in the past when such arrangements were in force prior to issuance of Board’s letter dated 22.12.2020 (RBE No.113/2020).
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.39/2023
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.12/2024,