RBE No. 183/2019: Training Module – Civil Engineering Department
No.E(MPP)2019/3/46, dated 28.10.2019
Sub: Revised Training Modules of Non-Gazetted Staff of Civil Engineering Department.
Ref: Chairman/ Railway Board’s letter No.E(MPP)/2016/3/20, dated 28.11.2018 and Board’s letter dated 06.12.2018.
1. Vide Board (CRB) letter No.E(MPP)/2016/3/20, dated 28.11.2018, DG/NAIR has been authorized as the Head of the Academic Council of all CTIs to develop Training Modules of all categories of Non-Gazetted staff. Accordingly, training module of Civil Engineering Department was finalized and sent to this office.
2. Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) has reviewed the above Training Modules proposed and submitted by DG/NAIR. Board (ME & MS) has approved the revised training modules.
3. The revised modules prepared have been scanned and uploaded under E(MPP) Training Circulars and can be viewed or downloaded from railnet at http://www.indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/view sectio.js?lang=0&id=0,1,304,366,530,1068.
Kindly acknowledge receipt.
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please Provide JE. Estimator training scheduled
please Provide JE. Estimator training scheduled