IREM Rule No.919 : Running Staff Working Pilots
919. Running Staff Working Pilots:-
(i) In the case of running staff manning the Coal Pilots of Eastern and S.E. Railways, the target time for completion of trips shall be fixed on the following basis:-
(a) From bahar line to bahar line and in those cases where the crew is taking over charge at outstations, it shall be fixed from the time of taking over charge of the engine to the time of handing over charge of the engine.
(b) In the case of engines, the target time shall be reckoned from train departure to train arrival.
(ii) The Trip Allowance to the running staff working the Coal Pilots shall be paid at the rate of 160 kms. for eight hours.
(iii) In addition to the Trip Allowance, the running staff working the Coal Pilots shall be paid at bonus equivalent of 50 kms., if they perform the complete trips within the stipulated target time.
(iv) The Coal Pilot guards of Eastern and S.E. Railways who perform commercial duties also, shall be paid commercial Duty Allowance of Rs.50 p.m. further revised to Rs.100 p.m. w.e.f. 01.01.1987. In the case of Guards who are engaged in this job Allow the part of the month, the Commercial Duty Allowance shall, w.e.f. 01.05.1982, be granted at the rate of Rs.1.70 for each day on which commercial duties are performed, subject to a maximum of Rs.50 p.m. with effect from 01.01.1987, this daily rate has been revised to Rs.3.30, subject to a maximum of Rs.100 p.m.
(v) The provisions contained in sub-paras (i), (ii) and (iii) above shall be extended to the running staff working all Pilots and also to the loco and traffic running staff working in “Delhi Area” w.e.f. 01.08.1981.
Note: In the case of jugglers which are utilized for picking up loads from adjoining yards/ stations, the running staff who are booked for them for 8 to 10 hours, shall be paid at the rate of 120 kms. for the stipulated duty hours in terms of Rule 15(ii) of Running Allowance Rules.