Restructuring: RBE No.18/1988 – Isolated Categories & Posts
No.E(NG)I-87/PM/20/2, dated 21.01.1988
Sub: Restructuring of Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ cadres – Isolated posts.
1. The issue regarding restructuring of miscellaneous isolated categories and posts on the railways has been examined in detail by the Board. These consist of posts like Gestetner Operators, Commercial Couriers, Adrena Operators, Civil Defence Inspector, Platform/ Luggage Inspector, Horticulture staff, Librarians, Library Assistants, Ticket Sorters (Accts. department), Sanitary Inspectors, Janitors, Caretakers, Hostel Superintendents, Markers, Loco Pointsmen, Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, Dietitians, ECG Technicians and a host of other similar miscellaneous Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts which do not form part of any cadre (whenever such is the case).
2. The Board would suggest that appropriate action may be taken by the Railway Administrations and if considered necessary recast the channels of promotion in respect of these categories. While doing so, the Railways Production Units will, no doubt, follow the standard convention of consulting the recognised unions (corresponding practice in the case of Production Units) before effecting any such changes found necessary. It may also be checked up whether in respect of such of these posts as are filled on ex-cadre basis by staff drawn from other cadres, the staff concerned are allowed to retain their lien on and considered for promotions in their respective parent cadres as per normal rules.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.18/1988
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.