RBE No. 74/1996: Periodic Review – Running Category
No.E(G)96 EC2-2, dated 04.09.1996
Sub: Periodic review of requirement for the purpose of creation/ surrender of posts in the running category.
Attention is invited to Para-5 of this Ministry’s letter No.E(G)82 EC2-2, dated 12.07.1984 in which the decision regarding continuing the process of creating/ surrendering posts in running categories (like Drivers, Guards, Fireman etc.) on the basis of a six monthly review was communicated.
In a meeting held with the Federations (Departmental Council), it has been decided that the Zonal Railways will conduct periodic review of requirement of running staff at the time of formulation of annual time table or review of power plans. Such periodic reviews have already been envisaged in para-5 of Board’s letter No.E(G)82 EC2-2, dated 12.07.1984. In this context, the Board would like to emphasize further that during the last few years with the opening of new Divisions on Indian Railways, passenger links with Crew are being made on divisional criterion which has resulted in avoidable change of Crew after three to four hours of duty. This is likely to be further accentuated with some more Divisions being created in the near future. Thus, passenger links will be on Inter-Divisional and Inter-Railway criteria to ensure that running staff perform maximum possible permissible hours of duty.
In the light of the above, the extant instructions of 12.07.1984 laying down bi-annual review of running staff are re-iterated. The review should also take into consideration need for training reserve for running staff.
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