RBE No. 49/2006: Messing Facilities – Centralized Training Institutes on the Railways (CTIs)– Clarifications
No.E(G)91AL 6-1, dated 18.04.2006
Sub: Messing facilities in the Centralized Training Institutes on the Railways – Further clarifications to General Guidelines.
1. General Guidelines have been issued vide Board’s letter of even number dated 16.08.2005 (RBE No. 130/2005) regarding messing facilities in the Centralized Training Institutes on the Railways. Certain points have been raised by some of the CTIs viz., IREEN/Nasik, IRICEN/Pune and RSC/Vadodara regarding implementation of the guidelines. The matter has been considered by the Board and it has been decided to issue the following further clarifications on the subject:-
Points Raised |
Clarifications |
(i) |
What should include overhead charges |
Overhead charges should exclude electricity which may be provided free by the CTIs, but should include all other consumables including gas (LPG) petty repairs and contingencies under Rs.500 as already advised vide Board’s letter dated 16.08.2005. |
(ii) |
Recovery of overhead charges |
Recovery of overhead charges should be made from all in-service trainee officers. The amount to the monthly subsidy of Rs.200 being allowed to the probationers based on the length of stay of the training officer in the CTIs. |
(iii) |
Management by contractor and redeployment of departmental staff |
The contractual arrangement is devised to receive the Mess Committee of the drudgery of the daily chores. It will, however, be up to the Mess Committee, to decide on how to run the Mess. No departmental staff should be made available and all existing departmental staff need to be redeployed. The Mess will be supervised by the Mess Committee. |
(iv) |
Contractor profit |
Functioning of the Mess on a no-profit no-loss does not preclude the profit motive of the contractor. It will be up to Mess Committed to decide on the cost plus percentage to be awarded to the contractor. |
(v) |
Composition of Mess Committee |
The ration of probationers to faculty members as advised earlier was 2:1. Since probationers are not always available, in-service trainees officers on courses of longer duration may also be on the Mess Committee. The Composition of the Mess Committee is not sacrosanct. The composition may vary at different times due to requisite number of probationers/ officers not being available. The permanent 1/3rd Faculty component should, however, provide the needed continuity. |
(vi) |
The dwindling number of trainees in some CTIs |
Some CTIs, particularly IRIEEN/Nasik have shown apprehension that due to dwindling number of trainees, contactors may not come forward to run the Mess. This is all the more reason not to have a permanent fixed establishment for running the Mess. No difficulty is apprehended in running the system efficiently under the centralized system. |
2. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate in the Ministry of Railways.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 49/2006
Forward reference⇒RBE No. 187/2006