RBE No.38/2018: Pay scales of Teachers
No.e(P&A)I-2017/PS-5/PE-2, dated 14.03.2018
Sub: Revision of pay scales of teachers in the railway Degree College, Secunderabad.
1. It has been decided that they Pay scales of teachers and other academic staff working in the Railway Degree College, Secunderabad may be revised w.e.f. 01.01.2016 as contained in Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education’s letter No.I-7/2015-U.II(1), dated 02.11.2017 addressed to the Secretary, University Grants Commission, a copy of which is enclosed. Annexure-I is also enclosed with the letter containing Fitment tables for the purpose of fixation of pay.
2. This issues with the concurrence of the Furnace Directorate of the ministry of Railways.
3. Kindly acknowledge receipt of this communication and report compliance of these orders expeditiously.
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