RBE No. 25/2008: Cashier – Promotion
No.E(NG)I-2004/PM9/2, dated 18.02.2008
Sub: Promotion of Asstt. Divisional Cashier/ Inspector of Cashier in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 to the supervisory post of Divisional Cashier in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500.
1. Reference Board’s letter of even number dated 27.07.2007 (RBE No. 100/2007) on the above subject.
2. Western Railway has raised certain queries regarding designation of Sr. Cashier Gr-I, fixation of pay and payment of honorarium.
3. It is clarified that with the merger of the posts of Sr. Cashier Gr-I with the posts of IOC/ADC (as they are in the identical grade), the posts of Sr. Cashier Gr-I has lost their entity and all posts (existing posts of IOC/ADC and posts of Sr. Cashier Gr-I) will be designated as IOC/ADC. Further, there will be no separate fixation of pay under Rule 1313(I)(a)(1) (erstwhile FR22C) for the existing posts of IOC/ADC. The existing designation Sr. Cashier Gr-II may also be designated as Sr. Cashier.
4. As regards payments of honorarium is concerned, it is stated that the existing incumbent as on the date of issue of Board’s letter dated 27.07.2007 (RBE No. 100/2007) will continue to draw the honorarium as per existing entitlement as personal to them. However, future incumbents will be treated at par with erstwhile Sr. Cashier Gr-I.
5. This disposes of Western Railway’s letter No.CP/ADM/E.1025/ADC(P)/IOC/DC(P), dated 10.12.2007.
6. Please acknowledge receipt.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 25/2008
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