RBE No. 238/1990: Fixation of Pay – NFSG
No.PC-IV/86/Imp/42, dated 18.12.1990
Sub: Fixation of pay of persons holding pre-revised non-functional selection grade to revised pay scales on personal basis.
1. The non-functional selection grade post in the pre-revised scale Rs.775-1000 for the SO(A/cs)/ ISA/ TIA in the Accounts Cadre had been replaced by the functional scale of Rs.2000-3200 with effect from 01.04.1987. The benefit of fixation under FR 22-C had also been allowed only from that date. Those holding the selection grade posts as on 01.01.1986, were allowed the revised scale of Rs.2000-3200 on a personal basis, till 01.04.1987.
2. References have been received from some of the Railways in the above context, that an anomaly had arisen where a senior employee holding the selection grade in the revised scale of Rs.2000-3200 on personal basis and promoted to Group ‘B’ as Assistant Accounts Officer before 01.04.1987 was drawing less than his junior who had got the benefit of fixation under FR 22-C with effect from 01.04.1987 on promotion to revised functional grade of Senior SO (A/cs)/ Sr.TIA/ Sr.ISA in scale Rs.2000-3200 and was promoted to Gr. ‘B’ thereafter.
3. The question of stepping up of pay of senior with reference to his junior in such cases was under consideration of Board for some time past. It has now been decided in consultation with Ministry of Finance and Department of Personnel and Training that the pay of senior staff may be stepped up on par with that of juniors in cases where the anomaly of seniors drawing less pay than juniors has arisen consequent on the introduction of the intermediary functional grade of Rs.2000-3200 with effect from 01.04.1987 in the Organized Accounts Cadre (80:20), subject to the following conditions:
(i) The scale of pay of the lower grade (before introduction of intermediary posts) and the higher post in which the junior and senior are entitled to draw pay should be identical;
(ii) The senior person should have been eligible for appointment to the intermediary post but for his working in the higher grade on or before the date on which the junior was appointed to the intermediary post;
(iii) The junior person should not have drawn more than the senior by virtue of fixation of pay under normal rules or any advance increments granted to him in the lower post as a result of the junior person holding the intermediary post at the time of his promotion to the higher grade.
(iv) The stepping up of pay would be done with effect from the date of promotion of the junior to the higher grade but the actual benefit would be available with effect from the first of the month of the issue of necessary orders or the date of anomaly whichever is later; and
(v) The conditions for junior and senior post in the identical scale in the lower and higher post stipulated in condition No. (i) above may be interpreted with reference to the ordinary grade of the lower post.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 238/1990
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