RBE No. 211/1991: Rate of stipend – Serving Railway Apprentices
No.PC-IV/89/DC/JCM/9, dated 16.12.1991
Sub: Rate of stipend/ pay and allowances admissible to serving railway servants during apprenticeship/ training.
Kindly refer to the instructions issued vide Board’s letter of even No. dated 08.07.1991 (RBE No. 127/1991). On the above mentioned subject.
In the meeting of the JCM/ DC held recently, the staff side had desired that the connotation of the term, Inter-Apprentices as contained in Para 2 of the above quoted letter, should be clearly explained. In this context, it is stated that the term Inter Apprentices refers to the serving Railway servants who are taken as departmental candidate against a quota earmarked for them and given in service, training before they are absorbed against the higher posts.
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