RBE No. 145/1989: Fixation of Pay – Gangmen on Transfer
No.E(P&A)II/87/JCM/DC/2(PP), dated 05.06.1989
Sub: Fixation of pay of Gangmen on transfer to other Department – Regarding.
1. In terms of instructions contained in this Ministry’s letter No.E58-CFP/13, dated 19.02.1959, 10% of the annual intake of Gangmen should be encouraged to be transferred to the Mechanical and Transportation (Power) Department, Traffic and Commercial Department as well as the works side of the Engineering Department, subject to other conditions prescribed therein.
2. In the meeting of the Departmental Council (Railways) of the Joint Consultative Machinery, the Staff Side demanded that as the intention of the order is to improve promotion prospects of Gangmen, they should not suffer monetary loss by denial of protection of pay as Gangmen on appointment as Khalasis in a lower time scale. Correspondence with the Railways on this subject indicates that the practice prevailing in the Zonal Railways is not uniform and on some Railways the practice varies even from Division to Division.
3. Keeping in view the need for a uniform procedure for fixation of pay, as also the request of the Staff Side in the Departmental Council, the Board have, with the approval of the President and the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways, decided that when a Gangmen is appointed as a Khalasi on transfer at his own request in terms of instructions contained in Board’s letter of 19.02.1959 referred to above, his pay should be fixed in the time scale of Khalasi as follows:-
(a) At the stage equivalent to the pay drawn as Gangmen, if there is no such a stage at the stage next below, the difference being treated as Personal Pay, to be absorbed in future increments in pay as Khalasi, provided that he is confirmed as Gangmen or has completed two years regular service and his probation has not been extended by a specific order, in terms of instructions contained in Board’s letter No.E(NG)I/88/CN 5/2, dated 20.01.1989, subject to the maximum of the time scale of Khalasi not being exceeded.
(b) In all other cases, benefit of completed years of service as Gangman may be given for the purpose of advance increments in the time scale of Khalasi, subject to not exceeding the pay drawn as Gangman of the maximum of the time scale of Khalasi.
4. Accordingly, in exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution, the President is pleased to decide that Rule 1313 (FR 22) of the Indian Railway Establishment Code (Vol.II – IV Edition, 1987) may be amended as in the Advance Correction Slip No.1 R-II enclosed.
Advance Correction Slip No.1
Indian Railway Establishment Code
(Vol.II – IV Edition, 1987)
Rule 1313 [FR 22(a)(iii)]:
The following may be inserted as an Explanation below Rule 1313 [FR 22(a)(iii)]:
“Explanation: A confirmed Gangman of the Civil Engineering Department or a Gangman who has completed two years’ regular service and whose probation has not been extended by a specific order, as envisaged in the orders governing confirmation, transferred at his own request as a Khalasi in the Mechanical and Transportation (Power) Department, Traffic and Commercial Department and works side of the Engineering Department, shall have his pay fixed in the time scale of Khalasi at the stage equivalent to the pay drawn as Gangman; if there is no such stage, at the stage next below, the difference being treated as Personal Pay to be absorbed in future increases in pay as Khalasi, subject to the condition that in no case the maximum of the time scale of the Khalasi is exceeded; and
(b) In all other cases, the benefit of completed years of service in the higher post of Gangman may be given, for the purpose of advance increments in the lower post of Khalasi subject to not exceeding the pay drawn as Gangman or the maximum of the time scale of Khalasi.”
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 145/1989
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