RBE No. 144/2007: Promotion – Procedure to the Posts Classified as ‘Selection’
No.E(NG)I-2006/PM1/32, dated 07.11.2007
Sub: Procedure for conducting selection for promotion to the posts classified as Selection – Qualifying marks in written tests.
1. In terms of extant procedure contained in note (ii) below para 219(g) of IREM Vol-I, 1989 a candidate has to secure a minimum of 60% marks in the professional ability and 60% marks in aggregate for being empanelled for promotion within Group ‘C’. The professional ability consists of written test in most of the cases OR written test plus viva-voce in a few cases and viva-voce alone in a few others. A candidate has to secure 60% marks in the written test for being called for viva-voce or for his service record etc. being assessed.
2. The Staff Side in the forum of DC-JCM have pointed out that on certain Railways securing 60% marks is insisted on separately in respect of each part of a question paper set for the written examination. It has been requested that Zonal Railways may be directed not to insist on securing 60% marks separately in each part of a question paper set for written examination as part of selections for promotions within group ‘C’.
3. The information regarding the practices being followed by Zonal Railways & Production Units reveals that there is no uniformity in this regard. As a result while some Railways are insisting on securing of 60% marks separately in each part or paper of written examination while others are insisting on securing of 60% marks in aggregate irrespective of number of parts/ papers written examination consists of. The matter has been considered carefully by this Ministry. It has been decided that in the written examination candidates should be required to secure 60% marks in each paper, if the written examination consists of more than one paper and not in each part of the question paper if the question papers consists of parts.
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