RBE No. 130/2006: Cruelty to Animals – Prevention
No.E(D&A)2006 GS1-7, dated 12.09.2006
Sub: Prevention of cruelty to animals – Guidelines regarding.
1. A copy of Department of Personnel & Training Memorandum No.30/9/2006-Welfare, dated 26.05.2006 along with its Hindi version dated 03.08.2006 on the above subject is sent herewith for information and guidance. The position stated therein may also please be brought to the notice of all Railway servants on your Railway/ Unit for their information and strict compliance.
2. Please acknowledge receipt.
Department of Personnel & Training Memorandum
O.M. No.30/9/2006-WELFARE, dated 26.05.2006
Sub: Prevention of cruelty to animals – Guidelines reg.
1. It has been brought to the notice of this Department that a number of Associations have been engaging in dealing with the problem of stray animals in their areas on their own or through security guards appointed by them. It has also been reported that apart from beating animals etc. some of the associations have also been taking recourse to intimidating residents who may be feeding/ tending some of the stray animals.
2. Section 11 of Prevention of Cruelty to animals Act, 1960 as amended from time to time provides that if any person beats, kicks, over-rides, overdrives, over-loads, tortures or otherwise treats any animals so as to subject it to unnecessary pain or suffering, he shall be punishable with fine and/or imprisonment. In terms of the provisions of the Act, therefore, the Govt. servant who indulges in act of cruelty to animals will be making himself liable for action under Prevention of Cruelty to animals Act. Besides, punishment under the Act, he would also make himself liable for action under CCS (Conduct) Rules for conduct unbecoming of a Govt. servant.
3. It may be noted that for dealing with the problem of stray animals, there are designated agencies in Govt/ local self-government organizations etc. Such Organizations regularly undertake inoculations, sterilization of female animals etc. Recognized Associations in Govt. colonies may approach such Institutions for redressal of their grievances. Unrecognized associations may also approach such bodies with their individual/ collective grievances, but they shall refrain from pretending to represent the residents in general. Where there is no recognized association, grievances, if any, of the residents may be taken up with the Institutions through the AWO/ Office of the CWO. However, all the problems of stray animals have to be handled within the institutional framework available and no association, recognized or unrecognized, shall take recourse to action on their own, either themselves, or through any person employed by them like security guards etc.
4. While residents and Associations are free to address institutional agencies for redressal of grievances in this matter, no resident/ association will interfere with the freedom of other residents in tending animals etc intimidation, in any form, is criminal offence. Apart from action under appropriate criminal law, such persons will render themselves liable for action under the CCS (Conduct) Rules.
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