Protective Garments: RBE No.106/1986 – Supply to Workshop Staff
No.E(W)86 UN1-6, dated 04.06.1986
Sub: Supply of protective garments to workshop staff.
1. Arising Out of discussion at the Departmental Council meeting held on 10/11.03.1986, it was brought to Board’s notice that extant instructions are not being strictly implemented in regard to provision of protective garments to the employees workings in workshops on most of the Railways, with particular reference to Amritsar and other workshops on the Northern Railway.
2. Board, after considering the matter, desire to reiterate that the Zonal Railway Administrations etc. may take timely action to provide protective garments of the style and specification to all the eligible employees working in the workshops in terms of revised Dress Regulations based on the recommendations of the Uniform Committee 1980 as accepted by the Railway Board.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.106/1986
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