Promotions: Centralized Computer Based Objective Type Examination
No.E(GP)2022/2/4, dated 22.05.2023
Sub: Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts on Indian Railways-holding of 30% LDGE through Centralized Computer Based Objective type examination (CBT).
Ref: Board’s letter of even No. dated 07.02.2023.
1. Please refer to this office letter of even number dated 07.02.2023 advising the tentative date for holding 30% LDCE in Organised Departments through centralised CBT.
2. In this regard, it is further advised that the 30% LDCE for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts in Organised Department through Centralised CBT shall now be held on 25.06.2023.
Download Railway Board Circular dated 22.05.2023
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.