Promotion: RBE No.101/2008 – Loco Pilots – Conditions

No.E(NG)I-2006/PM7/21, dated 22.08.2008

Sub: Promotion of non gazetted staff in Loco running cadre – Posts of Goods Driver re-designated as Loco Pilots (Goods).

1. In terms of provisions of this Ministry’s letter No.E(NG)I-2006/PM7/16 pt.I dated 01.05.1996 (RBE No. 40/1996) whenever the Railways are unable to fill in the vacancies of Goods Driver through Shunters in terms of Board’s letter of same number 03.08.1995 (RBE No. 84/1995) and dated 13.12.1995. Railways may, with the personal approval of General Manager, also consider First Fireman/ Diesel/ Elect. Asstts. (including Shunters with less than 3 months service) for filing filling up the vacancies of Goods Driver provided they have put in:-

(i) Six years service (combined as Second Fireman and First Fireman/ Diesel Asstt./ Elect. Asstt.
(ii) Two years service as First Fireman/ Diesel Asstt./ Elect. Asstt. and
(iii) 60000 kms experience on foot-plate as First Fireman/ Diesel Asstt./ Elect. Asstt.

2. In view of the facts that the post of Second Fireman and First Fireman are no longer in existence, some of the Railways are experiencing difficulties in filling up the posts of Goods Drivers as per the conditions stipulated in letter dated 01.05.1996 (RBE No. 40/1996).
3. The matter has, accordingly, been considered by the Board and it has been decided that in the eventuality of non-availability of Shunters, General Manager may consider Diesel/ Elect. Assistants (re-designated as Asstt. Loco Pilot (Diesel/Elect) with 2 years’ service as Diesel Asstt./ Elect. Asstt. and 60000 kms experience on foot-plate or selection or promotion to the post of Loco Pilot (Goods) subject to the following conditions:-

(i) Suitability of such Asstt. Loco Pilots to work independently as Driver [Loco Pilot (Goods)] shall be personally certified by the Mechanical/ Electrical Officer (as the case may be), in-charge of Power of the Division Concerned,
(ii) Such promotee drivers be placed under the supervision of a dedicated Loco Inspector for 5 trips or 500 km of driving, whichever is earlier,
(iii) For sections classified at as ‘Ghats’, such promotee drivers may work with a regular driver as co-driver for seven days or 1000 km, whichever is later,
(iv) Provision of hands on training for independent Loco driving to Diesel/ Electrical Assistants in their induction and refresher course shall be included in the course content for the promotional training.
(v) Training centres should be got equipped with simulators progressively.

Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.101/2008

Forwarded reference ⇒ RBE No.196/2019, RBE No.49/2024,

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