New Catering Policy: RBE No.187/2010 – Restoration of Catering Posts
No.E(NG)I-2003/TR/10, 28.12.2010
Sub: New Catering Policy-2010 – Restoration of catering posts transferred to IRCTC.
1. As the Railways are aware, with the announcement of New Catering Policy-2010, all the catering activities are to be taken over by the Railways. In order to revive departmental catering activities as envisaged in the said policy, the matter has accordingly been considered carefully by the Board in consultation with both the Federations and it has been decided to adopt the following procedure to streamline the cadre being revived.
2. Creation of cadre and posts:-
(i) At the time of formation of IRCTC, approximately 5269 staff along with their posts (1284 Group ‘C’ and 3985 Group ‘D’ now placed in Group ‘C’) were transferred to IRCTC in terms of Board’s letter of even number dated 31.03.2003 (RBE No.52/2003). The details as obtained from Railways are given in Annexure ‘A’. These figures are provisional and Railways have to restore the posts which were actually surrendered. As a first step, these 5269 posts break-up as indicated against each Railway may be revived in the catering department. Restoration of posts as on 31.03.2003 will not require any money value from the vacancy bank because as per the instructions the surrendered money value was not to be credited to vacancy bank. In case any Railway has credited the amount in vacancy bank the same should be taken back for the restoration of the post.
(ii) Additional posts required, commensurate to present workload, beyond the sanctioned strength as on 31.03.2003, normal procedure of creation of posts may be followed in consultation with their Associate Finance.
3. Manning of the posts:-
(i) The following three categories of erstwhile catering staff are available in the Railways:-
(a) Existing skeleton staff in the catering department,
(b) Staff repatriated from IRCTC awaiting redeployment,
(c) Original catering staff (who were on deemed deputation) who have returned from IRCTC and have already been redeployed in other departments, and
(d) Staff who are on deemed deputation to IRCTC and awaiting repatriation.
(ii) In order to take the advantage of their past experience, option may be called for from the original catering staff who, at the time of formation of IRCTC, opted to remain in the Railways and have been redeployed in other departments after being declared surplus. Remaining other staff as described under item No.(a), (b) & (d) would not be given any option and allowed to work in catering cadre only.
4. Seniority:- The seniority of the above staff including the staff who opts for catering department vide 3(i)(b) may be assigned to the position existed before they were transferred to IRCTC as on 31.03.2003. In order to bring the staff of catering department at par with others, it has been decided, as an incentive, that the posts as on 31.03.2003, will be restructured as the table given below:-
Categories |
Pay Scale |
%age Structured in 1993 |
6th CPC Structure |
Suggested Structure as 01.01.2011 |
Catering Inspectors |
2000-3200/6500-10500 |
15 |
PB-2, GP-4600 |
17 |
1600-2660/5500-9000/ 1400-2300/5000-8000 |
20 |
PB-2, GP-4200 |
48 |
1200-2040/4000-6000 |
25 20 |
PB-1, GP-2400 |
20 |
975-1540/3200-4900 |
20 |
PB-1, GP-2000 |
15 |
Bill Issuer/ Catering Stores Clerks |
975-1540/3200-4900 |
45 |
PB-1, GP-2000 |
60 |
825-1200/2750-4400 |
55 |
PB-1, GP-1800 |
40 |
Commercial Cooks |
1320-2040/5000-8000 |
15 |
PB-2, GP-4200 |
20 |
1200-1800/4500-7000 |
25 |
PB-1, GP-2800 |
30 |
950-1500/3050-4590 |
30 |
PB-1, GP-1900 |
25 |
800-1150/2650-4000 |
30 |
PB-1, GP-1800 |
25 |
Head Waiter/ Head Bearer (Comml) |
825-1200/2750-4400 |
50 |
PB-1, GP-1800 |
1000 |
800-1150/2650-4000 |
50 |
5. The posts will be upgraded within the financial neutrality. The upgraded post may be filled up from the staff through promotion as per procedure to be issued separately.
6. The upgradation of posts is provisional.
This issue with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Railway Board.
Hindi version will follow.
Please acknowledge receipt.
Details of deemed deputationists staff (Zone Wise) |
Railways |
Total no. of staff went to IRCTC on deemed deputation |
Gr. ‘C’ |
Gr. ‘D’ |
CR |
217 |
430 |
ER |
151 |
570 |
NR |
60 |
206 |
19 |
45 |
40 |
9 |
SR |
271 |
901 |
153 |
473 |
70 |
307 |
WR |
138 |
345 |
42 |
168 |
ECoR |
35 |
213 |
56 |
190 |
5 |
7 |
4 |
47 |
19 |
65 |
4 |
9 |
Total |
1284 |
3985 |
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.187/2010
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.44/2011, RBE No.13/2015,