Incentive Bonus: RBE No.29/1986 – Payment of Arrear
No.PCIII/85/IB/1, dated 12.02.1986
Sub: Payment of arrear Incentive Bonus to the upgraded posts of Chargemen/ Asstt. Shop Supdt. as a result of upgradation of the cadre of Technical Supervisors w.e.f. 01.01.1984.
1. Consequent to restructuring of the cadre of Technical Supervisors under Board’s letter No.PCIII/83/UPG/3, dated 01.05.1984, some of the Zonal Railways have sought Clarification as to whether posts of Chargemen ‘B’ (Rs.425-700) upgraded to Chargemen ‘A’ (Rs.550-750) in the Production Units/ Open Line workshops should be given arrear payment of incentive bonus at the rate applicable to higher grades w.e:f. 01.01.1984 and Chargemen ‘A’ (Rs.550-750) upgraded to Dy.Shop Supdt. (Rs.700-900) should be made to refund the incentive bonus paid from 01.01.1984 to the actual date of promotion.
2. The matter has been considered by the Board and it is clarified that:
(i) No difference in incentive bonus rates as between Chargemen ‘A’ and Chargemen ‘B’ would be admissible for the upgraded posts.
(ii) No recoveries towards incentive bonus should be made for such of the posts of Chargemen ‘A’ in scale Rs.550-750 which have been upgraded to scale Rs.700-900 retrospectively from 01.01.1984. However, no Incentive Bonus will be admissible to these posts from the actual date of promotion to scale Rs.700-900.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.29/1986
Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.