RBE No. 224/2001: Appointment on compassionate Grounds – Divorced/ Widowed daughter
No.E(NG)II/2001/RC-1/ER/5, dated 21.11.2001
(SC No.51 to MC No.16)
Sub: Appointment on Compassionate Grounds – Divorced/ Widowed daughter.
1. Please refer to the instructions contained in Para 2 of Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/78/RC-1/1, dated 03.02.1981, regarding the procedure to be followed for appointments on compassionate ground.
2. After due consideration, the Board have decided that the cases of dependent divorced/ widowed daughter should also be considered for appointment on compassionate ground, as in the case of married daughters. Such cases are to be considered in terms of para 2 of Board’s letter cited above. Such applicant should have been wholly dependent on the ex-employee at the time of the letter’s death/ medical invalidation.
3. The order will be effective prospectively from the date of issue of instructions. Past cases need not be reopened.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 224/2001
Forward reference ⇒ Dated 24.03.2022