RBE No. 188/2010: MACPS – Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme – Benchmark
No.PC-V/2009/ACP/2, dated 28.12.2010
Sub: Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) for the Railways Employees – Clarification regarding.
1. Subsequent to the issue of Board’s instructions dated 10.06.2009 (RBE No. 101/2009) regarding MACP Scheme Joint Committee is set up to examine the anomalies pertaining to the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) vide Department of Personnel & Training OM No.11/1/2010-ICA, dated 03.05.2010.
2. During the Joint Committee meeting it was pointed out by the staff side that the word New Organization of the last line of para 24 of annexure MACPS dated 10.06.2009 (RBE No. 101/2009) was not in committee with the spirit of the Scheme. The issue has been examined and it is clarified that in case of transfer including unilateral transfer on request, regular service rendered in previous organization/ office shall be counted along with the regular service in the new organization/ office for the purpose of getting financial up-gradation under the MACPS. However, financial up-gradation under the MACPS shall be allowed in the immediate next higher grade pay in the hierarchy of revised pay bands as given in Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008. Para 24 of MACPS stands amended to this extent.
3. The staff side also raised an issue on the Benchmark’ of MACPS as given in Para 17 of annexure of MACPS dated 10.06.2009 (RBE No. 101/2009), which provides that the financial up-gradation would be on Non- functional basis subject to fitness in the hierarchy of grade pay within the PB-1. Thereafter, for up-gradation under the MACPS the benchmark of ‘Good’ would be applicable till the grade pay of Rs.6600 in PB-3. The benchmark will be ‘Very Good’ for financial up-gradation to the grade pay of Rs.7600 above. It was pointed out that in some cases the promotion to the next grade pay was made on the basis of fitness as the method of promotion as specified in the relevant recruitment rules was non-selection. Therefore, in such cases benchmark should not be insisted upon under the MACPS. The issue has been examined and it is clarified that where the financial up-gradation under MACPS also happens to be in the promotional grade and benchmark for promotion is lower than the benchmark of granting the benefit under MACPS as mentioned in Para 17 ibid, the benchmark for promotion shall apply to MACPS also. This instruction is in continuation of Board’s earlier instruction of even number dated 03.02.2010 (RBE No. 25/2010).
4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 188/2010
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