RBE No. 179/1986: Railway Quarters – Subletting of
No.E(G)86 QR1-6, dated 30.09.1986
Sub: Subletting of Railway quarters to outsiders.
1. Reference Board’s letter No.E(G)79RN2-117, dated 09.04.1980 on the subject noted above; wherein the action required to be taken in cases of subletting of railway quarters by railway employees to outsiders etc. was indicated. Recently, a copy of Department of Personnel and Training’s OM No. 11013/14/85-Estt.(A), dated 6th March, 1986 regarding departmental action required to be taken against Government servants in cases of subletting of government accommodation has also been circulated to the GMs of All India Railway, etc. for their information and guidance vide Railway Department’s letter No. E(D&A)86 RG6-34, dated 10.04.1986 (RBE No.74/1986).
2. Further to the above, the Department of Railways have decided that the Estate Officer/ Allotment Authorities on the Railways, etc. should carry out checks/ inspections at least once in half year to ensure that the allotted houses are occupied bonafide by the allottee Railway servants and are not sublet to outsiders in contravention of the extent instructions. Necessary instructions may please be issued immediately to all concerned on your Railway for strict compliance of these instructions. A feedback about action taken in this regard in the first check/ inspection which is to be done during October-December, 1986 and the extent of subletting of quarters detected/ found on your railway in concrete terms may also be sent to this Department before the close of the current calendar year.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 179/1986
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