RBE No.13/2018: Revision of pension of pre-2016 retired running staff

No.D-43/34/2017-F(E)III, dated 24.01.2018

Sub: Implementation of Government’s on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission – Revision of pension of Pre 2016 retired running staff.

1. Attention of all the Zonal Railways/Production Units is invited towards Board’s instructions issued vide letter No.2016/F(E)/1(1)/7, dated 22.05.2017 (RBE No.49/2017), vide which the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare (DOP&PW)’s O.M.No.38/37/2016-P&PW(A), dated 12.05.2017 was circulated for information and compliance. In terms of this O.M., the revised pension/family pension w.e.f. 01.01.2016 in respect of all Central civil pensioners/family pensioners who retired/died prior to 01.01.2016 may be revised by notionally fixing their pay in the pay matrix recommended by the 7th CPC in the level corresponding to the pay in the pay scale/ pay band and grade pay at which day retired/died. This will be done by notional pay fixation under each intervening Pay Commission based on the formula for revision of pay. While fixing pay on notional basis, the pay fixation formula approved by the Government and other relevant instructions on this subject in force at the relevant time shall be strictly followed. 50% of the notional pay fixed as above shall be the revised pension as on 01.01.2016 and 30% of this notional pay shall be the revised family pension w.e.f. 01.01.2016 as per the first formulation.

2. The Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare (DOP&PW) vide their O.M. No. 38/37/2016-P&PW(A), dated 06.07.2017 (circulated on Railway’s vide letter No.2016/F(E)III/1(1)/7, dated 11.07.2017 RBE No.66/2017) have provided concordance tables for fixation of notional pay and pension/family pension of employees who retired/died in various grades during 4th, 5th and 6th Pay Commission periods. DOP&PW have clarified and para 4 of the O.M. ibid that the concordance tables have been prepared to facilitate revision of pension of Pre-2016 pensioners/ family pensioners by the concerned pension sanctioning authorities, Although due care has been taken by DOP&PW in preparing concordance table based on the fitment tables for fixation of pay from 4th to 5th, 5th to 6th, and 6th to 7th Pay Commission, still in the case of any inconsistency in concordance tables vis-à-vis the relevant rules/instructions, the notional pay and pension/family pension of Pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners may be fixed in accordance with the rules/instructions, applicable for fixation of pay in the intervening Pay Commission periods.

3. After issue of Board’s letter No.2016/F(E)III/1(1)/7, dated 11.07.2017 (RBE No.66/2017), references have been received from pensioners’ association requesting to issue separate concordance tables for running staff who retired/died during 4th, 5th and 6th Pay Commission, duly taking into account pay element at the rate of 55% of basic pay for the purpose of fixation of notional pay and pension/family pension w.e.f. 01.01.2016. The issue has also been raised by staff Federations.

4. The above issue has been examined in consultation with Pay Commission Directorate of Board. The pay of running staff is deemed to be ‘depressed’ vis-à-vis the non-running staff and the measure of depression is called the main element. As per extent instructions, 30% pay element is reckoned for in service benefits and 55% the element is reckoned for retirement benefits. However, once the deemed depression has been made good by adding the pay element to the basic pay of the running staff (e.g. on posting to stationery posts, medical de-categorization, retirement etc), benefits specifically admissible to the running staff (on account of depression in pay) are not admissible to them. To illustrate this, it would be worthwhile to note that a running staff is entitled to Dearness Allowance on the pay + 30% pay element. However, a retired running staff gets Dearness Relief only on the pension drawn (pension which has been fixed taking into account 55% pay element) and for this purpose pay element is NOT reckoned, once again. Therefore, the emoluments (basic pay plus 55% thereof) at the time of retirement would be taken as reference basic pay for further notional fixation of pay in the subsequent CPC periods as per the other running staff.

5. In this connection, illustrations in three cases as furnished by PC Directorate is attached as Annexure to facilitate notified fixation of pay in 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Pay Commission in respect of running staff who retired/died before 01.01.2016 for information and guidance. 50% of the notional pay fixed in such a manner shall be the revised pension as on 01.01.2016 and 30% of this notional pay shall be the revised family pension w.e.f. 01.01.2016 as per the first formulation. Other conditions is stipulated in DOP&Ps O.M. dated 12.05.2017 & 06.07.2017 will apply in the case of running staff also.

6. The higher of the two formulations i.e. the pension/family pension already revised in accordance with Bord’s letter No.2016/F(E)III/1(1)/7, dated 10.08.2016 (RBE No.97/2016) or the revised pension/family pension as worked out in accordance with para 5 above, shall be granted to pre-2016 retired of running staff pensioners as revised pension/family pension w.e.f. 01.01.2016.

7. It is also stated that corresponding pay scales/grade pay for notional pay fixation has to be strictly followed as per DOP&PWs O.M. dated 06.07.2017 and not the replacement pay scales/grade pay which may have been allotted to the serving employees during a CPC period, due to specific up-gradation of the post. Any clarification regarding notional pay fixation of running staff may be obtained from Pay Commission Directorate of Board’s office.

to letter No.D-43/34/2017-F(E)III, dated 24.01.2018

Illustration for fixation of pension of Running staff who retired/died before 01.01.2016
Illustration 1 Illustration 2 Illustration 3
Employee retired drawing basic pay of Rs.1010 in  scale of Rs.950-1500 during 4th CPC period (replacement scale 5th CPC Rs.3050-4590/ 6th CPC PB-1 + GP Rs.1900/ 7th CPC Level-2) Employee retired drawing basic pay of Rs.1440 in  scale of Rs.1350-2200 during 4th CPC period (replacement scale 5th CPC Rs.4500-7000/ 6th CPC PB-1 + GP Rs.2800/ 7th CPC Level-5) Employee retired drawing basic pay of Rs.1700 in  scale of Rs.1600-2660 during 4th CPC period (replacement scale 5th CPC Rs.5000-8000/ 6th CPC PB-2 + GP Rs.4200/ 7th CPC Level-6)
Basic pay during 4th CPC




55% of basic pay




Equated stationery basic pay/Emoluments for calculation/ revision of pension to be taken as basic.




Notional Pay Fixation in 5th CPC replacement pay scales

(i)    Equated stationery Basic Pay/Emoluments during 4th CPC




(ii)   DA appropriate to applicable pay slab as per Board’s letter No.PCIV/86/DA/1, dated 26.03.1996 RBE No.30/1996 (@148%/111%/96%)




(iii)  IR 1 @Rs.100 (RBE No.146/1993)




(iv) IR 2 @10% (No.PC-V/95/IR, dated 19.07.1995) 157 223 264
(v)  Fitment benefit 40% of basic pay 626 893 1054
Sum of (i) to (v) 4767 6751 7953
Equivalent or next stage in revised replacement pay scale 4590 (Max) + 177 (PP) 6875 8000
Notional Pay Fixation in 6th CPC replacement pay scales
(i)    Equated stationery Basic Pay/Emoluments during 5th CPC 4590 6875 8000
(ii)   DA appropriate to applicable pay slab @86% 3947 5913 6880
(iii)  Fitment benefit (GP) 1900 2800 4200
Sum of (i) to (iii) 10437 15588 19080
Total Basic Pay (Pay in Pay Band + GP) in equivalent pay band 10440 15590 19080
Notional Pay Fixation in 7th CPC replacement pay scales
(i)    Equated stationery Basic Pay/Emoluments during 6th CPC 10440 15590 19080
(ii)   DA appropriate to applicable pay slab @125% 13050 19487.50 23850
(iii)  Fitment benefit 32% 3340.80 4988.80 6106
Sum of (i) to (iii) 26830.80 40066.30 49036
Total Basic Pay (Pay in Pay Matrix) in revised/replacement pay scale viz Next cell Level 27600 40400 50500
Basic Pay 27600 40400 50500
Pension during 7th CPC 13800 20200 25250
Family pension during 7th CPC 8280 12120 15150

Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.13/2018

Forward reference⇒RBE No.

13 thoughts on “RBE No.13/2018: Revision of pension of pre-2016 retired running staff

  • August 19, 2018 at 9:22 am

    If a running staff is brought to the level of non-Running staff, he can be fixed in the relevant concordance table and his pension can be fixed as shown in the fixation tables. For example a goods guard retired in v CPC with basic pay 6500 is to fixed with 6500 + 55% =10075. His basic pay to be deemed as 10075 as non running staff and to be revised. But railway board order is different and ambiguous. Because you can find that slab in 2800 grade pay. So it is to be corrected.

      • September 17, 2018 at 12:08 pm

        AS PER Letter dated 12/5/2017, Th Basic pay who retired before 31/12/2005 is 9000 equal to 5 th cpc is 20940 and 6th CPC 21470 and notional pay as on 1-1-2016 is 55200 and plus pay element 55% is 30360 and total pay 85560 and pension is 42780. But where as fixed as 40517 as per old and new PPOs. Clearl stated to be followed strictly vide letter dated 24/1/2018. Retired As MAILGUARD on 31/7/2004 with 9000 basic pay in Hyderabad Division S.C.Railway at Secunderabad. N.Sadasivarao retired MailGuard Secunderabad.

  • August 27, 2018 at 1:34 am

    fixation of pay on each relevent pay commision not fixed. it is deemed as retired on 1-1-2016 and basic pay +55% to be taken.
    but taken only at the time of retirment
    Retired as Mail.Guard on 31-7-2004 with basic pay 9000 and addin 55% total 13950 and on 86% total 25947+4200 Gp and on DA 125%37684
    fitment at 32% total comes 89537 and notiona pay in pay patrix is 91400 and pension is 45700 but where as fixed as 40517 as fixed without revision.
    vide new ppo no.20047090600204 dated 13/7/2018 by DPO/Hyderabad Division South central railway
    Retired Mail Guard

  • September 17, 2018 at 12:05 pm

    AS PER Letter dated 12/5/2017, Th Basic pay who retired before 31/12/2005 is 9000 equal to 5 th cpc is 20940 and 6th CPC 21470 and notional pay as on 1-1-2016 is 55200 and plus pay element 55% is 30360 and total pay 85560 and pension is 42780. But where as fixed as 40517 as per old and new PPOs. Clearl stated to be followed strictly vide letter dated 24/1/2018. Retired As MAILGUARD on 31/7/2004 with 9000 basic pay in Hyderabad Division S.C.Railway at Secunderabad. N.Sadasivarao retired MailGuard Secunderabad.

  • September 21, 2018 at 11:38 am

    Pl. Intimate revision of pension. Before 2016.

  • November 22, 2018 at 6:59 pm

    when already clear instruction given in pay commission report and railway establishment manual ,why RB formulates absurd calculation to refuse parity pension benefits to running staff.

  • June 12, 2019 at 10:20 am

    i am retaird mail guard please intimate our 6th cpc basic pay is 33000/ & in new 7cpc whate will be national payamount & pensation

    • August 23, 2022 at 1:25 am

      Mere papa mail driver the pay scale tha1640-2900 (31/7/193) 4th cpc me supernation retaired hue the last pay drwan 2000/ tha 33 year ki puri service thi ab unki pension /family pension kya honi chahiye running staff ke anusaar! ??

  • August 22, 2020 at 10:24 pm

    I am a retired SrALP My basic at the time of 6th cpc is 10900+Gp 2400 l request what my notional pay and pension to be fixed in SCPC Please

    • December 14, 2024 at 10:50 pm

      I am Ram Dular s/o K.B.Lal retired driver grade spl lucknow division( N.R )Pay Scale 1640-60-2600-75-2900 Last Pay Drawn-2060, Date of Birth -30/08/1932,Date of Appointment -30/08/1950,Date of Retirement -31/08/1990 CSI ID 85143977,New P.P.O no.19907030790333 Old P.P.O no.0190070333 Total Service Period 40 years note-Ab meri pension running staff ke anusar 7th CPC me kya honi chahiye

  • December 13, 2024 at 11:33 pm

    I am retired driver grade spl lucknow division uttar pradesh in northern railway pay scale tha 1640-60-2600-75-2900 date of birth 30-08-1932 date of appointment 30-08-1950 date of retirement 31-08-1990 last pay drawn 2060 total service 40 years at this time how many pension in running staff

  • December 15, 2024 at 11:57 am

    I am Ram Dular s/o K.B.Lal retired driver grade spl lucknow division( N.R )Pay Scale 1640-60-2600-75-2900 Last Pay Drawn-2060, Date of Birth -30/08/1932,Date of Appointment -30/08/1950,Date of Retirement -31/08/1990 CSI ID 85143977,New P.P.O no.19907030790333 Old P.P.O no.0190070333 Total Service Period 40 years note-Ab meri pension running staff ke anusar 7th CPC me kya honi chahiye


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