IREC Rule No.1114: Joining Time On Deputation Outside Railways

1114.  Joining Time On Deputation Outside Railways:-

When a Railway Servant to whom these rules apply, is transferred to the control of Central Government / Defence Services or organization which has made separate rules prescribing amount of joining time, his joining time for the journey to join his post under that Government / Organization and for the return journey will be governed by those rules, unless different provisions are expressly made in the terms of deputation / Foreign Service by mutual agreement between the lending and borrowing authorities. 

One thought on “IREC Rule No.1114: Joining Time On Deputation Outside Railways

  • October 16, 2018 at 7:58 am

    श्रीमान जी मेरा नाम सतबीर सिंह पुत्र श्री कर्मा, फाटक वाला के पद पर अधीन वरिष्ठ खण्ड अभियन्ता (रेलपथ) उत्तर रेलवे -सफीदो में कार्यरत हूं |श्रीमान जी मैं ये जानना चाहता हूँ कि जब कर्मचारी अधिसंख्य पद पर कार्यरत हो तो क्या उसको बढा़ हुआ ग्रेड मिल सकता है या फिर अधिसंख्य पद पर कार्यरत होते ही उसको भी वो
    ग्रेड में वृद्धि का लाभ मिलेगा जो उसके साथ वाले कर्मचारीयों को मिल रहा है


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