Substitutes: RBE No.185/1992 – Engagement of

No.E(NG)II/90/SB/10/MC,  dated 04.11.1992

Sub: Engagement of substitutes on the Railways in Gr. ‘D’ categories.

1.0 Railway Board have issued detailed instructions on the subject of engagement of substitutes from time to time and the same have recently been consolidated and reiterated to the Railways vide Board’s letter of even number dated 29.01.1991 (RBE No.12/1991) as Master Circular No.20 of 1991. Among other things the instructions clearly stipulated that the occasion to engage substitutes should be few and far between.

2. From the figures furnished by the Railway Administrations at the recent Chief Personnel Officer’s conference held in July, 92 it is noticed that there are over 15,000 substitutes engaged on the railways in Mechanical, Traffic, Commercial and Medical departments.

2.1 Board, after reviewing the matter have observed that there is need to have stricter control on engagement of substitutes and accordingly desire that from now onwards;

(i) any new face substitute should be appointed only with the prior personal approval of the General Manager, even where such practice is not already in vogue.

(ii) Strict control should be exercised on the number of substitutes engaged and serious attempts should be made to bring down their number drastically.

(iii) Strict control on maintenance of leave records and absenteeism should be enforced.

3. It is requested that compliance with the above may please be ensured.

Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.185/1992

Forward reference ⇒ RBE No.03/2001, RBE No.144/2005, RBE No.137/2010,

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