Revised Medical Classification – Ticket Checking, etc.
No.E(NG)II/2018/RR-1/40Pt., 28.02.2019
Sub: Revised medical classification for the combined categories in Ticket Checking (TC), Commercial Clerk (CC), and Enquiry-Cum-Reservation-Clerk (ECRF) and for Commercial Apprentices henceforth.
Ref: Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-2016/PM1/12(pt), 22.02.2018 (RBE No. 28/2018).
1. Presently the medical classification for the Ticket Checking category is B-2 and that for Commercial Clerk (CC) and Enquiry-Cum-Reservation-Clerk (ECRC) categories is C-1. The merger of Commercial and Ticketing staff into unified categories for Direct Recruitment and placement of RRB indents has, however, necessitated determination of common medical classification for the unified category of Commercial and Ticketing staff. As B-2 is the higher medical classification as compared to C-1, the medical classification for the unified category will therefore be B-2, as will be the medical classification of Commercial Apprentice henceforth
2. This revised medical classification for the combined categories in Commercial Department henceforth for Direct Recruitment may please be noted for information. Formal instructions/ amendments to Indian Railway Medical Manual to this effect shall soon be issued by Health Directorate of Railway Board separately.
3. It may be noted that the revision of medical classification above does not affect/ impact existing employees of the Commercial Department.
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Download Railway Board Circular dated 28.02.2019
Forward reference⇒RBE No.
Revision of medical classification above does not affect/impact existing employees of the commercial department..
What is the meaning of this sentence can you plz explain me
Because I’m allready Commercial group D employee.
is this any impact on me