RBE No. 42/1990: Selections – Close Relative
No.E(D&A)89 GS1-6, dated 06.03.1990
Sub: Recruitments and Selections – Complaints of favoritism.
1. Complaints are from time to time being received that favours are being caused by the officers to their close relatives during the course of recruitments, departmental selections, screening etc.
2. Instructions have been issued in this regard by the DOP vide their OM No.22011/8/87-Estt.(D), dated 03.06.1986 (copy enclosed), that in view of equity and fairness, a member of the Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC), whose relatives are under consideration should not take part in the selection process. The High Courts and the Supreme Court have given ruling that participation of such members is against the principle of natural justice. Accordingly, the members of the DPCs have to record a certificate that none of their close relatives is under consideration and they have no interest in any candidate.
3. To avoid complaints and chances of favoritism, Board desire that the instructions contained in DOPs OM of 03.06.1988 be made applicable to the Railways and the RRBs, in the case of all recruitments, screening, selections, etc. These will also be applicable to officers nominated for setting papers and evaluating them, in case the identity of the candidate comes or is likely to come to their notice. The term close relative may be taken to include parents, sons/ daughters, brothers/ sisters, nephews/ nieces, uncles/ aunts, first cousin and father in law/ mother in law, son in law/ daughter in law, brother-in-law and sister-in-law.
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