RBE No. 38/2007: Selection – Promotion – Dieticians
No.E(GP)2004/2/73, dated 15.03.2007
Sub: Selection for promotion to the floating posts in scales Rs.6500-10500 and Rs.7450-12000 in the cadre of Dieticians.
1. During the last meeting of the Departmental Council of Railways (JCM), it was decided that the cadre of Dieticians will be maintained by Northern Railway.
2. In view of the above decision, para 3.0 of Board’s letter of even number dated 02.02.2005 (RBE No. 02/2005) is modified to the extent that seniority of Dieticians and Senior Dieticians of the Railways will be maintained by Northern Railway, who will conduct the selections for filling up the floating posts of Senior Dieticians and Assistant Dietetics Officer. However, the orders of promotion of the selected employees to the post of Senior Dieticians and the Group ‘B’ posts of Assistant Dietetics Officer will be issued by the Competent Authority of the respective Railways, where the empanelled employees may be working.
3. Further, Eastern Railway is advised that the relevant record pertaining to the aforementioned selections may be transferred immediately to Northern Railway for necessary action.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 38/2007
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