RBE No. 279/1998: IREM – Amendment to Para 215 – ACS No.65 – Promotion

No.E(NG)I-94/PM1/10, 09.12.1998

Sub: Amendment to IREM.

The ministry of Railways are pleased to direct that the Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume-I, (Revised Edition 1989) may be amended as per Advance Correction Slip No.65 enclosed.

Advance Correction Slip No. 65

Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume-I (1989 Edition)

Chapter-II, Section-B: Rules governing promotion of Group ‘C’ staff:-

After para 215(f)(ii) insert the following as para 216:-

“216.     In regards to selection posts, it is essential that all this selections are conducted annually in a regular manner. However, where holding of the next selection becomes necessary before a gap of one year on account of the panel getting exhausted, the earlier selection not showing up adequate number of empanelment/ promotion, etc. the same may be held after a minimum time gap of six months from the date of approval of the panel finalized as a result of the first selection. This condition of six months restriction between selections will not, however, apply to general selections which are conducted by calling options from serving employees fulfilling the prescribed eligibility conditions.” 

[Authority: Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-76/PM1/168, dated 03.09.1976,

No.E(NG)I-79/PM1/105, dated 26.04.1979, and

No.E(NG)I-94/PM1/10, dated 04.07.1997 (RBE No. 94/1997)]

1.Exiting para 216-A may be substituted by the following para:-

“216-A. Ad-hoc promotions:-

(1) Selection/ suitability tests/ trade tests should be conducted timely as per provisions in this Manual to obviate the need for making ad-hoc promotion which should be avoided both in selection and non-selection posts. However, whenever ad-hoc promotions are found in escapable in selection posts in the exigency of service, the same should be ordered only from amongst the senior most eligible staff strictly in accordance with the existing guidelines. As a rule a junior should not be promoted, ignoring his senior unless the competent authority ordering the ad-hoc promotion, considered him unsuitable. In any case, no second ad-hoc promotion should be allowed under any circumstances.” 

[Authority: Board’s letter No.E(NG)I/77/PM1/117, dated 17.10.1977,

No.E(NG)II/81/RC-1/1, dated 01.04.1981]

(2) The following further guidelines should be adhered to while considering ad-hoc, promotions:-

 (a) Ad-hoc promotion in non-selection posts:-

In case of non-selection posts including posts filled on the basis of trade tests, the vacancies shall be filled after following the prescribed procedure quickly. There shall thus be no ad-hoc promotions in non-selection posts.

[Authority: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/81/RC-1/1, dated 01.04.1981]

(b) Ad-hoc promotion in selection posts:-

(i) Ad-hoc promotions may be made in leave vacancies and short duration vacancies upto 4 months beyond which period the FA&CAO should not draw the pay of concerned employee unless the Chief Personnel Officer has personally approval the continuance.

(ii) Normally no ad-hoc promotion should be made against regular vacancies. If it becomes inescapable to make ad-hoc promotion against regular vacancies warranted by such circumstances as Court’s orders etc., such promotion should be allowed only with the prior personal approval of the Chief Personnel Officer who should satisfy himself with the reasons for non-finalization of the selection before according his sanction. In any case such arrangements should not be allowed to last over six months save in exceptional circumstances like “where a panel cannot be formed because of stay orders from the Court etc. The Chief Personnel Officer should keep record of having accorded approval to such ad-hoc promotion or continuation thereof and review the progress made in filling up these posts by selected persons every month. He should also review the position of selections to all posts whether such post are controlled at Zonal, Divisional or Extra Divisional level.

[Authority: Board’s letter No.E-55/PM1/19/3, dated 11.06.1955,  

E(NG)I-73/PM1/222, dated 23.02.1974, and

No.E(NG)II/81/RC-1/1, dated 01.04.1981]

(iii) Notification for ad-hoc promotion against the selection posts should specifically include a remark to the effect that person concerned has not been selected for promotion on regular basis and that his promotion is on ad-hoc basis and does not give him any right of holding the post or for regular promotion.

[Authority: Board’s letter No.E-55/PM1/19/3, dated 11.06.1955]

Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 279/1998

Forward reference ⇒ RBE No. 295/1999

One thought on “RBE No. 279/1998: IREM – Amendment to Para 215 – ACS No.65 – Promotion

  • December 8, 2024 at 7:00 am

    Hello sir, in SBC division BTC (Ballast train checker) posts are filled by giving ad hoc promotions among Track maintainers – IV during the year 2020-21, can they be regularised as permanent BTC not what is the next promotion for them pls suggest


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