RBE No. 179/2006: Refresher Course – Loco Pilots
No.E(MPP)2004/3/13, dated 30.11.2006
Sub: Failure in Refresher Course – 5 days coaching programme to Loco Pilots.
In terms of Board’s letter No.E(Trg.)I-67 TR1/96, dated 04.09.1967 the loco pilots who fail in the second chance are to be absorbed finally in an alternative category and can be allowed to undertake further refresher courses at an interval of a minimum period of 6 months but such repeat course is to be taken by availing of his own leave. Further such staff will be re-absorbed in the original category on the occurrence of the first vacancy if they pass the refresher course. The loco pilots who have failed twice are to be absorbed as a shunter (para 2.3 of the MC 44.92).
During the DC/JCM meeting held on 3rd and 4th April, 2006, it was decided that the matter of downgrading the loco pilots be discussed with Board (MM) & (ML). The meeting with the Federation was held on 03.10.2006 and it has been decided by Board that those loco pilots, who are not able to come up to the desired standard and need special attention should be provided a special 5 day coaching programme before undertaking the next refresher course.
The Railway Administrations are directed to prepare the 5 days training programme keeping in view their local needs and arrange to organize these training programmes without fail.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.179/2006
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